Professional Development


To address the learning needs of directors at various stages of their directorship journey, SID offers a curriculum of Fundamentals and Essentials courses to help members develop domain competencies at foundational level. We also have a range of advanced programmes, Masterclasses, Pit-Stops and Current Topics for deep diving and specialisation.


Learning Pathways




SID Director Competency Model


The ability to effect appropriate governance structures and corporate culture to guide and progress the business affairs of the company in a manner that enhances long-term shareholder value, whilst taking into account the interests of other stakeholders.
Duties & Practices
The understanding of what the role and duties of a board director entails. The ability to adopt board practices that will lead to a credible, and efficient Board and a constructive relationship with Management.
The ability to review financial statements, question accounting treatments, establish internal controls and ensure financial statements and accounting standards are in accordance with ACRA requirements.
The ability to assess, manage and mitigate risks an organisation faces as part of its business, financial, lega, strategic, human and digital activities. This includes the appropriate risk tolerance to minimise liability and safeguard the long-term success of the organisation.
The ability to participate in the development of the company’s strategic plan, identify business options and consider the best strategy to achieve organisational goals.
The ability to provide direction and advice on how digital technology can enable business strategy, oversight for financial investment into digital assets, and governance for high risk investments that are integrated with business strategy and financial management practices.
Human Capital
The ability to enhance human capital and workplace issues such as diversity, culture, performance, employee engagement and talent, that support business strategy and impact corporate culture.
The ability to define structures, policies and processes necessary for a company to manage sustainability response to potential financial risks and opportunities.


Course Directory



Upcoming Course Dates