Climate Governance Singapore Overview

In 2021, the Singapore government unveiled its Green Plan 2030, a whole-of-nation movement to advance Singapore’s national agenda on sustainable development. The plan lays out Singapore’s commitments under the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and Paris Agreement, illustrating the importance the city-state is placing on the climate crisis.

The urgent need to address the climate crisis also requires businesses to accelerate the transition to a new economic model that seeks to limit global average temperature increases to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, consistent with the 2018 recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

It is therefore imperative for board members in Singapore to understand and engage in this challenge and embed a viable transition strategy into their business’ long-term prospects, especially in the face of ongoing pressure from stakeholders such as investors, regulators, employees and consumers.

Through Climate Governance Singapore, boards of directors will have access to workshops, conferences and a curated library, where they can leverage the expertise of renowned experts in risk management, strategic, financial and human capital planning, remuneration, and legal and governance models.


For board members in Singapore to be fully equipped to help future-proof businesses against climate change, and to serve as examples for other board members in Asia and globally.


  1. Promote the implementation of the WEF Climate Governance Principles
  2. Develop and mobilise a network of informed board members to consider strategies and encourage corporate actions on climate change and its consequences
  3. Increase awareness of climate change as a corporate issue at the board level
  4. Equip board members to lead boardroom discussions on the impacts of climate change and embed climate considerations in boardroom’s strategic decision making


As the knowledge partner, SMU curates the resources, training and programmes of the four domains of knowledge.

As part of the outreach plans, the CGS Launch was scheduled on 28 October 2021 where a webinar/panel discussion on “Understanding the Climate Challenge” was held at SMU. The guest of honour was Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment.

The CGS content and curriculum roadmap can be summarised in the illustration below:

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