SDP 4 - Risk & Crisis Management

SDP 4 - Risk & Crisis Management
The SID-SMU Directorship Programme (SDP) was launched in 2007. It is a director training programme with a formal certification process.

The partnership brings together the Singapore Management University’s academic excellence and strength in delivering executive programmes, as well as SID’s strong network of senior business executives in the corporate sector. 

This unique six-module programme provides a 360-degree board-level view of the key strategic areas and issues faced by company directors. It aims to enhance participants’ board level skills and update their knowledge and ability to lead in challenging times.

Effective management of risks involves identifying issues and anticipating their impact, maintaining dialogue with key public players and addressing stakeholders’ concerns before the organisation loses social trust and its reputation is damaged.

While some issues can be managed effectively before they escalate out of control, the nature of modern organisations still leaves them exposed to critical situations and crises. Crises are ill-structured situations that pose a special challenge to organisations.

This module covers the fundamentals of risk identification, issues management and crisis preparedness and leadership, from the theoretical and practical perspectives, shaped specifically for organisations operating in Asia Pacific.

CPD Hours : 16

For further details, click here.

Or you may contact us at: 
SMU Executive Development |[email protected]
Singapore Institute of Directors |[email protected] | Tel: +65 6422 1188 | Fax: +65 6422 1199
17/08/2017 - 18/08/2017